Are there other login options?
Yes, we have other login and access options that can be used by your organization based on your IT preferences. Below are the options currently available. Some of these options may incur additional setup costs or site licenses. We are happy to connect with you and your IT department to discuss which option may work the best for you.
Custom Landing/Registration Page: This can simplify the registration/login process, and is customized for your organization. It is compatible with federated authentication and IP authentication.
Federated Authentication: Integrates with your corporate authentication system, so your users can login with their corporate username/password to access BioCentury. This can simplify both registration and login for anyone at your company who uses BioCentury, as well as remove access from your employees who have left your company. We currently support OpenAthens and SAML protocols.
IP Authentication: Allows access to BioCentury by anyone within your corporate network (with a dedicated IP address), without requiring separate login. We can set up auto-login with a defined set of IPs for your organization.
XML/RSS feeds: Provide you with full-content (XML) or headlines/summaries/links (RSS) for content portals and intranets.